December 11, 2024 APC Agenda
December 11, 2024 APC Packet

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Staff Report:

Agenda Item No. V.A. Homewood Mountain Resort Master Plan Amendment Staff Report
Attachment A: Adopting Ordinance
Attachment A – Exhibit 1: Homewood Master Plan and Appendices
Attachment B: Required Findings
Attachment C: Compliance Measure Table
Attachment D: Vicinity Map
Attachment E: Initial Environmental Checklist
Attachment F: Site Plan Floor Plans Elevations Homewood
Attachment G: Visual Simulations
Attachment H: Comparison of Master Plan Architectural Images
Attachment I: Master Plan Area Spatial Breakdown


Agenda Item No. V.A Homewood Mountain Resort Master Plan Amendment

Written Public Comments:

Agenda Item No. V. A. Public Comments (As of 12/10/2024)


The PDF files of the received written public comments are organized in reverse date order, bookmarked, and searchable. The files will be updated periodically until 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Please remember to clear your browser cache to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information.

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) appreciates and considers all input from the public. We encourage you to submit written comment (email, mail, or fax) well in advance of the meeting date to give our staff adequate time to organize, post, and distribute your input to the appropriate staff and representatives. Written comments received by 4 p.m. the day before a scheduled public meeting will be distributed and posted to the TRPA website before the meeting begins. TRPA does not guarantee written comments received after 4 p.m. the day before a meeting will be distributed and posted in time for the meeting. Late comments may be distributed and posted after the meeting.

REQUIRED: Include the meeting information and agenda item in the subject line. For general comments to representatives, include “General Comment” in the subject line.

Please email your comment to