May 22-23, 2019 Governing Board Agenda
May 22-23, 2019 Governing Board Packet
Staff Reports:
Consent Calendar Item No. 1 April Financials
Consent Calendar Item No. 2 Placer County WQ Mitigation Fund Request
Consent Calendar Item No. 3 Placer County Operations/Maintenance Mitigation Fund Request
Consent Calendar Item No. 4 El Dorado County SEZ Mitigation Fund Request
Consent Calendar Item No. 5 Supplemental 401 (a) Agency Retirement Plan
Consent Calendar Item No. 6 Amendment to TRPA’s existing Social Security MPP Plan
Consent Calendar Item No. 7 Bayview Violation
Consent Calendar Item No. 8 Forest Health & Wildfire Committee Name and Charter Change
TMPO Consent Calendar Item No. 1 Overall Work Program
TMPO Consent Calendar Item No. 2 Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan
Agenda Item X.A Main Street Management Plan Update
RPIC Item No. 4 Placer_County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Amendment
RPIC Item No. 5 Update on proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances regarding Shoreline Plan Implementation
RPIC Item No. 6 Vehicle Miles Travelled Threshold Standard & Air Quality Mitigation Fee
RPIC Item No. 7 Upcoming Topics
EIP Item No. 3 2020 Regional Transportation Plan Schedule & Implementation Update
RPIC Agenda Item No. 4 Placer County Area Plan Amendment
RPIC Agenda Item No. 5 Shorezone Amendments
RPIC Agenda Item No. 6 Vehicle Miles Travelled
Governing Board Retreat