November 19, 2014 Governing Board Agenda
November 19, 2014 Governing Board Packet
TMPO Consent Calendar Item No. 1 Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan Revision
Agenda Item VIII.
Powerpoint: Addressing Science Needs in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Maureen McCarthy, Executive Director, Tahoe Science Consortium
Powerpoint: Forests of Lake Tahoe Basin, Peter A. Stine, Pacific Southwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service
Powerpoint: State of the Lake, Geoff Schladow, Director, Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Powerpoint: Asian Clam Pilot Project, Dennis Zabaglo, Aquatic Resources Program Manager, TRPA
Powerpoint: Overview of Process and Schedule for the Threshold Evaluation Report, Ted Thayer, Research and Analysis Manager, TRPA
Powerpoint: Tahoe’s Nearshore Ecology, Sudeep Chandra, University of Nevada, Reno
Powerpoint-RPIC Agenda Item 4 Technical Code of Ordinances Corrections