The October 22nd  Hearings Officer meeting will take place online. Any interested member of the public will be able to participate and observe the meeting. Details will posted on the day of the meeting with a link to the GoToWebinar.

How To Provide Public Comment:

Interested members of the public will be able to digitally “Raise Their Hand” during the meeting and speak when called. Comment on any agenda item at any time before the item closes. Comments submitted during the meeting will be recorded into the record. Individuals and groups will have three minutes of public comment time.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In order to make a public comment, the GotoWebinar App must be used and the correct audio options must be enabled, for more details click the link below.

GoToWebinar Public Participation – Click Here

HO Agenda October 22, 2020

Agenda Item No. V.A O’Brien SFD Rebuild

Agenda Item No. V.B Bolka Land Capability Challenge

Agenda Item No. V.C 1360 West Lake Blvd. LLC Land Capability Challenge