Stateline, NV – Just in time for the busy summer construction season, Placer County is now processing additional permit types on behalf of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), saving customers time and transportation costs.

In order to help protect the environment around Lake Tahoe, a TRPA permit is required for any construction project in the Lake Tahoe Basin, ranging from the addition of a new deck to a large commercial development. Previously, this would require an applicant to visit the TRPA office in Stateline, Nevada, to submit the necessary paperwork – not just once, but possibly several times – a one-hour’s drive from North Lake Tahoe.

In addition to the residential permitting that the county already performs on TRPA’s behalf, Placer’s Community Development Resource Agency in Tahoe City now offers a one-stop shop to customers requiring TRPA permits for certain commercial, visitor-serving (such as hotels) and mixed-use projects located in the Lake Tahoe Basin. These services include TRPA verifications, which determine a property’s development potential, and qualified exempt activity permits for minor exterior and interior improvements. County staff are available to shepherd projects through the entire project review process – from conceptual project design to permitting and inspections.

“Streamlining more TPRA permits at our Tahoe City office is a huge time saver for our Tahoe customers,” said Rick Eiri, assistant director of the Community Development Resource Agency in North Lake Tahoe. “Our team is trained and ready to help our customers process their projects with efficiency.”

TRPA continues to process permits for lakefront developments, projects requiring scenic analysis and projects requiring an environmental impact statement.

The Placer County Community Development Resource Agency is located at 775 N. Lake Blvd. in Tahoe City. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays, and closed 8-9 a.m. on Wednesdays. For more information please contact the Community Development Resource Agency at (530) 581-6200.