Stateline, Nevada – The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) are seeking more public input on ideas to improve Lake Tahoe’s transportation system to reduce traffic congestion in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

TRPA and TTD, Lake Tahoe’s two bi-state agencies for transportation, hosted community open houses this May as they work to update the Regional Transportation Plan and highway corridor plans. At the open houses, TRPA and TTD presented a draft framework for future roadway, transit, and bike and pedestrian improvements in the six highway corridors around Lake Tahoe. The Regional Transportation Plan and corridor plans are focusing on:

  • Managing congestion during peak traffic times
  • Improving transit service
  • Creating safe bike and pedestrian routes
  • Improving access to recreation areas
  • Providing safe, environmentally-responsible parking

Materials presented at the May open houses are now available online at People are asked to review the materials and complete a short questionnaire to give feedback on proposed solutions and other transportation improvements they would like to see at Lake Tahoe.

“We want to make sure we provide a wide variety of ways for people to give their input. With this online opportunity for feedback, we are particularly interested in reaching additional visitors and second homeowners who travel to and from and around Lake Tahoe,” said Karen Fink, principal transportation planner at TRPA.

The transportation system plays a key role in the environment at Lake Tahoe, as 70 percent of the fine sediment affecting lake clarity comes from roads and developed areas. It also affects air quality, recreation access, economic vitality, greenhouse gas reduction, and overall quality of life for residents and the millions of people who visit Lake Tahoe each year.

The Regional Transportation Plan is scheduled to be updated at the end of 2016. More information about the plan and how to get involved in the process is available online at

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency leads the cooperative effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region, while improving local communities, and people’s interactions with our irreplaceable environment. For additional information, contact Tom Lotshaw, Public Information Officer, at 775-589-5278.