Smoke from outside the Basin is severely impacting air quality, visibility and recreation in Tahoe. Many agencies, including TRPA, are concerned about the human health and environmental impacts of the Basin’s current air quality. Long-range monitoring data are constantly being collected will be evaluated for possible effects.

Use these links for Air Quality Warnings in your area:

El Dorado County

Placer County

Washoe County

California Statewide

Tahoe is fortunate to have so many resources committed to restoring forest health. Reports coming out of the Rim Fire are that many of the stands were neglected and overgrown. In Tahoe, we recognize the problems caused by historic fire suppression and the haphazard re-growth that followed the 19th century Tahoe logging era. There has been a significant effort to restore forest health and reduce the risk of a catastrophic wildfire here.

  • Over 54,000 acres of forest have been treated for fuel reduction around the Tahoe Basin by local fire protection districts and the U.S. Forest Service since 1997 when the EIP was initiated.
  • Federal legislation (LTRA) has been introduced to authorize $135 million for Tahoe fuels reduction projects over 10 years.
  • We have strong partnerships with fire agencies and clear guidelines about defensible space and how to manage things like pine needles to help property owners do their defensible space.
  • There is a 10-year multi-jurisdictional fuel reduction strategy for the entire Basin and updated Community Wildfire Protection Plans.

The effects of the 2007 Angora Wildfire remain fresh in our memories and TRPA recognizes what a catastrophic wildfire can do to a small mountain community. Our thoughts and best wishes are with the many firefighters involved in wildfire efforts across the west and the many communities that are being affected.