Stateline, Nev. – The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Governing Board on Wednesday elected Hayley Williamson, the Nevada At-Large Board Member, as its new Board Chair for a two-year term. Williamson replaces Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson who served as chair of the bi-state governing body for more than two years and who will remain on the board as one of six local government appointees. Williamson also serves as Chair of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, a seat to which she was first appointed in 2020.

“I am honored to step into the role of board chair and appreciate the opportunity from my fellow board members to uphold and strengthen the bi-state partnership,” Chair Williamson said. “Lake Tahoe is an irreplaceable natural wonder and we must work together to restore and protect it for all. It is also my home, and I am personally committed to helping guide TRPA to fulfill its mission of conservation and restoration.”

The Governing Board also elected Governor of California Appointee Vince Hoenigman as Vice Chair. Mr. Hoenigman is the co-owner of a real estate company that has played a crucial role in revitalizing downtown areas in Southern California and Nevada, and volunteers extensively with nonprofit organizations focused on National Parks, homelessness, and affordable housing. The Bi-State Compact established a 15-member Governing Board, with seven members from California, seven from Nevada and one non-voting appointee made by the President of the United States. Six of the seats are reserved for locally elected governing bodies.

“We look forward to Chair Williamson’s and Vice Chair Hoenigman’s leadership on the board as Lake Tahoe faces new threats and the cross-cutting effects of a changing climate,” TRPA Executive Director Julie Regan said. “Each board member brings a wealth of experience and unique perspective that reflect the broad importance of Lake Tahoe to local communities, the states, and the nation.”

During the meeting, the Governing Board also voted unanimously to approve amendments to two City of South Lake Tahoe area plans that include incentives for affordable and workforce housing projects and improved walkability and transportation connectivity in town centers. The amendments to the Tourist Core Area Plan and Tahoe Valley Area Plan incorporate the TRPA housing amendments approved by the Governing Board in December 2023, which set density, height, coverage, and parking standards for affordable and workforce housing projects. The City’s amendments reduce the amount of parking spaces required and increase requirements for bike parking facilities for new and redevelopment projects located with one-half mile of transit. The City’s proposed amendments to increase maximum density in the area plan town centers are being revisited and were not part of Wednesday’s approval.

The board also received a presentation on 2025 Community Wildfire Protection Plan Updates from the Tahoe Resource Conservation District. Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team agencies use the plans to identify and prioritize fuels reduction projects and defensible space in areas most susceptible to wildfire impacts to safeguard lives, homes, critical infrastructure, and the landscape of the Tahoe Basin. The 2025 plans also prioritize fuel reduction projects along all evacuation routes to make those areas safer during emergencies.

The TRPA Governing Board selected Nevada-At-Large member Hayley Williamson as chair for the next two years.
Credit: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency leads the cooperative effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region, while improving local communities, and people’s interactions with our irreplaceable environment. For additional information, contact Victoria Ortiz, at (775) 589-5251 or