Report a Concern
Use the form below to report a complaint or activity of concern. The code compliance team acts on every concern we receive but will not follow up with you on their findings or action taken. To follow up on a report, look up the property of concern in the Accela Citizen Access database and look for a compliance file in the property records. Any reportable information about the Agency’s actions will be recorded there.
If I see an activity that concerns me, who do I contact?
To report activities of concern to the appropriate agency, follow these guidelines:
- TRPA’s area includes all of Douglas County and activities that can be seen from Lake Tahoe, major roadways, or from a mapped scenic recreation area [ex. Sand Harbor]. Major roadways include SR 28, SR 89, SR 207, US HWY 50, SR 267, Pioneer Trail in South Lake Tahoe. If an activity of concern is any of those areas, call TRPA at (775) 588–4547 and you can be connected to the appropriate inspector for the location.
- If the complaint is in an area of the City of South Lake Tahoe not covered by the above, contact the City Building Department at (530) 542–6017.
- If the complaint is in an area of El Dorado County not covered by the above, call the El Dorado County Building Department at (530) 573–3330.
- If the complaint is in an area of Washoe County not covered by the above, call the Washoe County Building Department at (775) 832–4140.
- If in an area of Placer County not covered by the above, call the Placer County Building Department at (530) 581–6200.
Contact one of these local enforcement offices for the following activities:
- Trash
- Abandoned vehicles
- Noise and nuisance issues
For neighborhood animal problems (bears, coyotes, dogs, etc.) contact animal control.
Report a Concern Form
The agency follows up on every report and may file an action report with the property information at In most cases, compliance inspectors are not able to respond to or update the person reporting the concern.
If you would like to remain anonymous, let us know and no contact information will be documented.
Noise Issues
If you concern relates to construction noise, please be aware that construction hours are not limited to 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. These are the hours construction activities are exempt from TRPA noise ordinances. The noise standard is measured over a 24-hour period and noise during exempt hours is taken out of the measurement. It is uncommon for construction activities to violate TRPA’s 24-hour noise standards.
If you are experiencing difficulties with the hours of a nearby project, it may be best to ask the other party if they can limit noisy activities like hammering, jackhammers, nail gunning, or others to more suitable hours. Other noise complaints can be reported using the form above.
Report a HazMat spill
In Nevada, call the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
(888) 331-6337
Or Nevada Division of Emergency Management
(775) 688-2830
In California, call the California Office of Emergency Services:
(800) 852-7750
(888) 334-2258
Penalties for Violations
Any person who violates any regulation of the TRPA Code of Ordinances or the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 and an additional civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 per day, for each day on which a violation persists. In imposing the penalties authorized by this subdivision, the court shall consider the nature of the violation and shall impose a greater penalty if it was willful or resulted from gross negligence than if it resulted from inadvertence or simple negligence. The TRPA Governing Board has taken a very serious stance at violations. Penalties can be high and restoration is required.