Current Funding Opportunities
Click here to view a list of all funding opportunities.
New! Disadvantaged Communities Navigator Tool
FINAL 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, in its role as the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, is pleased to announce the final 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program was adopted on September 25, 2024, by the TMPO Governing Board. The final federal approval is scheduled for December 16, 2024. Upon federal approval, the 2025 FTIP will supersede the 2023 FTIP. Click here to view the 2025 FTIP.
The Draft 2025 Federal Statewide Transportaion Improvement Program (FSTIP) is now available for public review at the following website:
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) prepared the Draft 2025 Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) in coordination with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and the Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs) in California. The FSTIP is a federally mandated document required to be updated every two years. The Draft 2025 FSTIP includes phases of capital and non-capital transportation projects prioritized to receive federal funding under Titles 23 and 49 of the United States Code during federal fiscal years 2025 through 2028. The FSTIP also includes regionally significant projects regardless of the funding source.
Each of the State’s eighteen MPOs prepares a Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP), which includes federal, state, local, and transit projects within its boundary. These FTIPs are included in the FSTIP by reference.
The Draft 2025 FSTIP is available for public review and comment g=beginning October 10, 2024, through October 31, 2024. Please submit your comments to Vaik Renga by email at
TRPA receives funding for transportation plans and projects through a variety of federal, regional, and state programs. Funding is used for capital projects, operations and maintenance, transit services, and local and regional transportation planning. TRPA works with communities and agency partners to invest in projects that improve bicyclist and pedestrian mobility, reduce vehicle emissions, revitalize local economies, improve recreation, and conserve and restore the environment.
Federal Transportation Improvement Program
The Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) for the Tahoe Region is a comprehensive four-year program that complies with the current federal transportation bill requirements and consists of surface transportation projects for highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects that receive federal funds, require a federal action, or are regionally significant and is consistent with the Regional Plan and related local, state, and federal planning processes. TMPO prepares and adopts the program every two years in conjunction with Caltrans, NDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and local agencies.
Regional Transportation Improvement Program
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), designated as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the California portion of the Lake Tahoe Region, is responsible for developing the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) for the region in conjunction with Caltrans as part of the development of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The RTIP is the regional component of the STIP. California state law requires the adoption and submittal of a five-year RTIP by December 15 of each odd number year to the California Transportation Commission for inclusion into the STIP. TRPA prepares and adopts the program every two years in conjunction with Caltrans. TRPA has successfully collaborated with Caltrans to implement transportation projects in the Lake Tahoe Region.
Regional Grant Program
The Regional Grant Program is the main funding program administered by TRPA to support the implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan goals and policies and advance the implementation of regional and local priorities. The focus of the program is to create additional transportation options and an enhanced transportation system to provide safe, multi-modal improvements that also provide social and environmental benefits.
Sustainable Funding Initiative
For decades, Tahoe’s transportation system improvements have been funded largely by competitive discretionary grants and limited fixed funds. More recently, grant sources and even fixed funds for transportation are becoming more competitive, less reliable, and are on the decline.
The two boards of the Tahoe Transportation District and TRPA including local, state and environmental advocates are now engaged in a sustainable funding initiative with growing consensus around enhancing funding to deliver Lake Tahoe’s Transportation vision.
Additional Funding Resources
Many grant opportunities are available for local jurisdictions, advocacy groups, school districts, and nonprofits to complete projects and planning at Lake Tahoe. Learn how local transportation projects have been funded on the Environmental Improvement Program Project Tracker. For more information, read the funding sections in the Active Transportation Plan and Regional Transportation Plan. Additionally, keep up to date with funding opportunities through the California Strategic Growth Council, California Department of Transportation, and Nevada Department of Transportation.
Many grant opportunities include equity, either as a scoring criteria or requirement of funding. There are various state and federal definitions that classify disadvantaged communities or persistent poverty tracts based on different characteristics. To view some of the most commonly used equity definitions in Transportation grants, click on this Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was signed into law on November 15, 2021. The $1.2 trillion IIJA reauthorizes the nation’s surface transportation and drinking water and wastewater legislation, and includes an additional $550 billion in funding for new programs in transportation, energy transmission, resilience, broadband, and others, approximately half of which goes to the U.S. Department of Transportation over the next five years.
The bill focuses on making investments that will address equity, sustainability, resilience, climate change, safety, and asset condition. IIJA expands eligibility and changes some policy requirements in legacy programs, and establishes several new formula-funded and discretionary programs. Click here to learn more.
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act)
On December 4, 2015, President Obama signed the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) into law (Text of the bill). The FAST Act is the first multi-year transportation bill passed by Congress in over a decade, and includes increases in funding for many transportation programs vital to the Lake Tahoe Region.
The FAST Act contains specific language regarding the Lake Tahoe Region that results in increased stable funding from various federal transportation programs. The Lake Tahoe language (found here) establishes a population factor that recognizes a portion of visitors to public lands in the Lake Tahoe Region. This stable funding is critical to improving the circulation of residents and visitors in the Lake Tahoe Region. Please click on the following link for a PowerPoint from the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) summarizing the FAST Act’s impact on MPOs. (Fast Act PPT). Visit the Federal Highway Administration website for more information.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program
Provides flexible funding for state and local government transportation projects and programs that help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. Funding is available to reduce congestion and improve air quality for areas that do not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter (nonattainment areas) and for former nonattainment areas that are in compliance now (maintenance areas). Learn more about the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.
TMPO’s goal for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program is to support the implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan by refining modes of transportation to provide mobility, social, and environmental improvements. The CMAQ program supports bicycle and pedestrian facilities, diesel engine replacements and retrofits, electric vehicles and charging stations, congestion reduction, and transit improvements and more. Eligible projects must come from a conforming Regional Transportation Plan and be consistent with conformity provisions contained in section 176(C) of the Clean Air Act. The funds must be invested in the El Dorado County portion of the Lake Tahoe Region and support transportation projects that improve air quality and mobile source emissions in designated nonattainment areas. TMPO is required to allocate and program the CMAQ funds that are apportioned to the Tahoe Region.
Funding See the Regional Grant Program for the upcoming Call for Projects and available funding.
Helpful Links:
CMAQ Fact Sheet:
CMAQ Essentials:
CMAQ Tool Kit:
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
Promotes flexibility in state and local transportation decisions and provides funding to best address state and local transportation needs. The funding may be used by States and localities for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway, bridge and tunnel projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals. Learn more about the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program.
TMPO’s goal for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG)program is to support the implementation of the Regional Transportation Plan by refining modes of transportation to provide mobility, social, and environmental improvements. The STBG program is a federal-aid transportation program, administered by the Federal Highway Administration, which provides funding used by States and localities for transportation improvement projects. The 2015 federal transportation legislation Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST ACT) converted the long-standing Surface Transportation Program into the STBG program acknowledging the block grant program allows more flexible funding to address State and local transportation needs and has continued with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA). The program supports federal-aid highways, as well as certain local streets and road improvements, reconstruction and rehabilitation, transit capital, transportation system management, transportation demand management, and bicycle and pedestrian projects. TMPO is required to allocate and program the STBG funds that are apportioned to the Tahoe Region.
See the Regional Grant Program for the upcoming Call for Projects and available funding.
Helpful Links:
STBG Fact Sheet:
Regional Transportation Plan:
California Funding
California Active Transportation Program
This program promotes bicycle and pedestrian projects that support SB 375 goals and provides approximately $129.5 million funding per grant cycle. The program is funded through a mix of federal and state funds. Metropolitan planning organizations with populations over 200,000 receive 40 percent of the Active Transportation Program funding for local distribution.
- Caltrans:
- California Transportation Commission:
California State Transportation Improvement Program
The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the biennial five-year plan adopted by the California Transportation Commission (Commission) for future allocations of certain state transportation funds for state highway improvements, intercity rail, and regional highway and transit improvements. State law requires the Commission to update the STIP biennially, in even- numbered years, with each new STIP adding two new years to prior programming commitments. The current programming cycle covers fiscal years 2022-23 through 2026-27. TRPA, as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency, is required to prepare and submit a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) to Commission biennially in December.
STIP Documents
2022 State Transportation Improvement Program, Adopted March 23, 2022
View Document
2022 Regional Transportation Improvement Program
View Document
RTIP Archive
2020 RTIP View Document
2018 RTIP View Document
2016 RTIP View Document
2014 RTIP View Document
2012 RTIP View Document
Transportation Development Act
The Transportation Development Act of 1971, enacted by the California Legislature was passed to improve public transportation services in compliance with regional transportation plans. TRPA is a state-designated regional transportation planning agency and is responsible for the administration of the Transportation Development Act funds received for the Lake Tahoe Region. TRPA is also required to have a Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) that assists in the unmet needs process. The Unmet Transit Needs Report is a product of the annual unmet transit needs process.
The TDA provides two funding sources:
- Local Transportation Fund (LTF)
The LTF is derived from a ¼ cent of the general sales tax collected statewide. The sales tax collected in each county is returned to the county from where the tax was generated. - State Transit Assistance fund (STA)
The STA is derived from the statewide sales tax on gasoline and diesel fuel. Statue requires that 50% of STA funds are allocated according to population and 50% be allocated according to operator revenues from the prior fiscal year.
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) is a state-designated regional transportation planning agency (RTPA) recognized by the state’s Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. As an RTPA, TRPA is responsible for the administration of the Transportation Development Act funds received for the Tahoe Region.
TDA Procedures
Filing a Claim for TDA Funds
To receive TDA money, transit operators must file a claim with TRPA based on the California State Controller and County Office of Auditor-Controller estimates. Operators file claims by completing the TDA claim packet. The claim packet ensures claimants provide detail as to how they intend to use TDA funds apportioned to their jurisdiction for that fiscal year. The packet contains a checklist and certifications, which confirms the transit operator has satisfied all requirements laid out in the TDA PUC and CCR and is eligible to receive TDA funds. Completion of the claim packet allows TRPA to monitor transit services and ensure the transit operator meets different TDA measures such as performance standards, completion of financial audits, and operational provisions as a condition of TRPA approving the funds for allocation.
TTD TDA Claim Application FY24
TART TDA Claim Application FY24
Previously Submitted TDA Claims
TTD TDA Claim Application FY23
TART TDA Claim Application FY23
Placer TDA Claim Application FY20
TTD Claim Application FY20
TTD TDA Claim Application FY21
TART TDA Claim Application FY21
TART TDA Claim Application FY22
TTD TDA Claim Application FY22
Productivity Improvement Program (PIP)
Per PUC Section 99244, TRPA is required to annually identify, analyze, and recommend potential productivity improvements, which could lower the operating costs of those operators who operate at least 50 percent of their vehicle service miles, as defined in subdivision (i) of Section 99247, within the area under its jurisdiction. To fulfill this requirement, TRPA implemented the Productivity Improvement Program (PIP) in FY 18 to monitor transit productivity and recommend annual improvements. Transit operators must make a reasonable effort to implement the productivity improvements recommended by TRPA. Should the transit operators fail to make a reasonable effort to implement the recommended improvements, TRPA will not approve TDA allocation of funds. As part of the TDA claims process, transit operators are required to submit an operations report and a productivity improvement progress report when they submit their claim packet to TRPA. TRPA uses data from the operations report to analyze transit service and recommend productivity improvements.
Operations Report – LT Info Transit Monitoring Program
TDA Annual Fiscal Audit and Performance Audit
Sections 99245 and 99246 Public Utilities Code in the TDA guidebook require an annual fiscal audit and performance audit of all claimants of Transportation Development Act monies.
The transportation planning agency shall be responsible to ensure that all claimants to whom it directs the allocation of funds shall submit to it an annual certified fiscal audit conducted by an entity other than the claimant.
The transportation planning agency shall designate entities other than itself, a county transportation commission, a transit development board, or an operator to make a performance audit of its activities and the activities of each operator to whom it allocates funds. Performance audits shall be conducted triennially pursuant to a schedule established by the transportation planning agency having jurisdiction over the operator.
TRPA, as the transportation planning agency, is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the annual fiscal audit and the performance audit of the claimants and agencies receiving TDA funds.
TDA Archives
- FY 2017-19 Triennial Performance Audit of the TRPA
- FY 2017-19 Triennial Performance Audit of the TTD
- FY 2017-19 Triennial Performance Audit of the TART
- FY 2014-2016 Triennial Performance Audit of the Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit
- FY 2014-2106 Triennial Performance Audit of the Tahoe Transportation District
- FY 2014-2016 Triennial Performance Audit of the Tahoe Tegional Planning Agency
- TRPA 2009-2010
- BlueGO 2009-2010
- Tahoe Area Transit Authority 2009-2010
- BlueGO Triennial Performance Audit Ending June 30, 2006
- TART Triennial Performance Audit Ending June 30, 2006
- TRPA Performance Audit – Ending June 30, 2007
Nevada Funding
Nevada Electronic Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
This new program implemented by Nevada Department of Transportation allows the department, in partnership with local agencies, to adopt and amend various transportation improvement programs and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program electronically via a web-based application. TRPA enters only transportation projects on the Nevada side of the basin into this application. Click here to learn more.
Nevada Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Provides federal funding for transportation projects that improve non-motorized travel options, scenic accessibility, walking and biking routes to schools, vegetation management, lighting, handicap accessibility, or help meet other transportation goals. Click here to learn more.
Historic Funding Programs
On Our Way Grant Program
TRPA supports transportation project planning and design by directing state and federal funding through the On Our Way Grant Program. The program helps Lake Tahoe communities identify neighborhood-level projects that create mixed-use town centers, encourage walking, biking, and transit use, revitalize the economy, and reduce impacts to the environment. On Our Way funding is now part of the regional grant program.
TRPA supports transportation project planning and design by directing state and federal funding through the On Our Way Grant Program. The program helps Lake Tahoe communities identify neighborhood-level projects that create mixed-use town centers, encourage walking, biking, and transit use, revitalize the economy, and reduce impacts to the environment.
Local jurisdictions and government agencies, nonprofit groups, educational institutions, and other formalized community groups are all eligible to apply for On Our Way grant funding. The products of the grant program help inform the Regional Transportation Plan, Regional Plan, area plans, and other local and regional plans and codes, and are intended to lead to the construction of capital improvements or the approval of new policies or programs. TRPA has awarded and completed 11 On Our Way grants since June 2014.
On Our Way Grant Program Projects:
- City of South Lake Tahoe’s Viking Way to South Tahoe “Y” Connector Analysis
- Connecting Tahoe Rim Trail Users to Transportation Alternatives Report
- Douglas County’s Kahle Vision
- El Dorado County’s Meyers Corridor Project
- Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition’s Interactive Bicycle Map
- Lake Tahoe Unified School District Safe Routes to School Master Plan
- Placer County’s Tahoe City Mobility Plan
- South Tahoe Middle School Area Connectivity Plan
- Washoe County’s Mount Rose Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan
- Washoe County’s SR 28 National Scenic Byway Corridor Signage Master Plan
- Washoe County’s Parking Meter Survey
Former Map-21 Transportation Alternatives Program
The FAST Act eliminates the MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and replaces it with a set-aside of Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program funding for transportation alternatives (TA). These set-aside funds include all projects and activities that were previously eligible under TAP, encompassing a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity. For more information please go to the FHWA website.
California Active Transportation Program
On September 26, 2013, Governor Brown signed legislation creating the Active Transportation Program (ATP) in the Department of Transportation (Senate Bill 99, Chapter 359 and Assembly Bill 101, Chapter 354). The ATP consolidates existing federal and state transportation programs, including the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA), and State Safe Routes to School (SR2S), into a single program with a focus to make California a national leader in active transportation. The ATP is administered by the Division of Local Assistance, Office of Active Transportation and Special Programs.
The purpose of ATP is to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation by achieving the following goals:
- Increase the proportion of trips accomplished by biking and walking,
- Increase safety and mobility for non-motorized users,
- Advance the active transportation efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals,
- Enhance public health,
- Ensure that disadvantaged communities fully share in the benefits of the program, and
- Provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of active transportation users.
Caltrans ATP guidelines and information can be accessed at:
Nevada Transportation Alternatives Program
The Nevada Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding category combines the previous Transportation Enhancement (TE), Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and Scenic Byways programs into one funding category. The Nevada TAP provides funds for projects that improve non-motorized mobility, historic preservation, scenic accessibility, Safe Routes to School programs, and environmental/vegetation management. While Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) encourages the inclusion of TAP projects into existing planned transportation projects, TAP projects may also be pursued on a “stand alone” basis. Nevada TAP funded infrastructure projects must be legally accessible to the general public. Safety is an important consideration in the development of projects.
NDOT’s TAP projects may be sponsored by local governments, school districts, private schools, and tribal governments. Entities located within the boundaries of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) are not eligible for this funding through this process. If you are unsure if you are located within the MPO boundary, please contact the NDOT Planning Office.
NDOT TAP information can be accessed at: