Where To Apply For A Permit and MOUs
Use this guide to know where to apply for the type of permit you need.
To streamline the permit process, TRPA has entered into agreements with other agencies and utility companies to carry out thorough environmental review on our behalf. Below is a list of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) currently in effect with partner agencies.
Delegation MOUs
Delegation MOUs hand over TRPA’s permitting authority to a local government agency so you can get a TRPA permit from your building or planning department. TRPA annually audits these permits to ensure our standards are being met and environmental quality continues to be protected. Depending on the type or size of the project, a delegation MOU can save you valuable time and resources while upholding environmental protections.
City of South Lake Tahoe 2015
Placer County
Lahontan Water Quality Control Board- Appendix BB
Washoe County 2023 – Currently Inactive
El Dorado County
Signed Douglas County Area Plan MOU – Currently Inactive
Signed Douglas County Residential MOU – Currently Inactive
Exempt MOUs
Under Exempt MOUs, certain utilities and land management agencies are given authority to review their own projects for conformance with TRPA standards. This streamlines protection in the Basin and increasing efficiency. Gas, communications and power companies are capable of safely repairing and maintaining their underground services without TRPA’s review. However, larger-scale projects and installation of new facilities such as a transmission line or communications tower fall outside the exemption and are reviewed by TRPA.
California Tahoe Conservancy- Appendix B, 2018
California Tahoe Conservancy- Appendix B, 2016 (124 K)
California Tahoe Conservancy- Appendix B, 1999 (220 K)
California Tahoe Conservancy- Appendix B, 1988 (118 K)
Nevada Division of State Parks- Appendix C, 1989 (197 K)
Nevada Division of State Parks- Appendix C, 2001 (197 K)
California State Parks Department- Appendix D (204 K)
USDA Forest Service – Appendix E
Pacific Bell- Appendix F (203 K)
California Department of Transportation- Appendix G (144 K)
Nevada Department of Transportation- Appendix H (143 K)
Sierra Pacific Power- Appendix H(105 K)
Douglas County Public Works 2012 – Appendix N (459 K)
TCI Cablevision of California- Appendix Q (187 K)
Tahoe-Truckee School District- Appendix S (218 K)
Southwest Gas – Appendix T (131 K)
Avista Utilities- Appendix U (133 K)
Douglas County Sewer Improvement District- Appendix V (195 K)
Nevada Bell- Appendix X (199 K)
Nevada Division of State Lands- Appendix Y (144 Kb)
El Dorado County Public Works- Appendix Z (186 K)
Verizon- Appendix FF (197 K)
Fulton Water Company- Appendix GG (181 K)
Tahoe Park Water Company- Appendix HH (186 K)
McKinney Water District- Appendix II (166 K)
City of South Lake Tahoe Public Works- Appendix MM (238 K)
Lukins Brothers Water Company- Appendix NN (196 K)
Timberland Water Company- Appendix UU (196 K)
Mid Sierra Water Utility, Inc.- Appendix SS (197 K)
Agate Bay Water Company- Appendix RR (197 K)
Tahoe Swiss Village Utility- Appendix TT (197 K)
Ward Well Water Company- Appendix VV (197 K)
Calpeco Liberty Energy – Appendix M
Shoreline MOUs
Miscellaneous MOUs
California Tahoe Conservancy
Douglas County Land Bank (294 K)
Lake Valley Fire Protection District (152 K)
Nevada Division of State Lands (430 KB)
North Tahoe Fire Protection District (138 K)
Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District (135 K)
City of South Lake Tahoe Fire Department (135 K)
Nevada Division of Forestry (Under Development)
Public Works Standardized MOUs
Local Plans
Local Plans, Permissible Uses, Goals and Policies, and Development and Designs Standards
Local Plans Map (area plans, PASs, and community plans)
Douglas County Standards and Guidelines Document
Citywide Standards and Guidelines (Does not apply to parts of the city within approved area plans)
Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Implementing Regulations
Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Goals & Policies
Washoe County Standards and Guidelines