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Governing Board
July 24 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
July 24 Governing Board Agenda
July 24 Governing Board Packet
Granlibakken Tahoe Property Map
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, members of the Governing Board and Advisory Planning Commission are invited to attend a field tour of the Tahoe City Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd; 255 N. Lake Blvd (For Bus Pick-up); Tahoe City Transit Center, 180 W. Lake Blvd, Tahoe City, CA, and Homewood Mountain Resort, 5145 W. Lake Blvd, Homewood, CA.
July 24 Governing Board Field Tour Map
How To: Zoom Webinar Public Participation How To: Use the Meeting Packet
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