The Shoreline Plan allows for a maximum of 10 new public piers and 128 new private piers. Up to 12 new private piers may be permitted every two years with any remaining balance rolling over to subsequent years. The Shoreline Plan prioritizes multiple-use private piers that serve two or more property owners. Of the 128 additional private piers, no more than 20 percent (25 piers) may be single parcel piers.
If fewer than 12 additional piers are permitted in a given two-year period, remaining piers from that two-year period will be available during the subsequent two-year period.
Information about the annual allocation schedule, permitting, location, eligibility, and public piers, see the Shoreline Implementation Program.
2023 Pier Lottery Results
2023 Pier Lottery Results
During this pier allocation period (2023-2024), TRPA may allocate nine multiple-parcel piers. TRPA reviewed the submitted proposals based on the prioritization criteria in the code, which resulted in awarding two multiple-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. There were 21 projects tied for the 3rd through 9th multiple-parcel pier allocations, which was decided by a random drawing on July 19, 2023. The projects which may continue to submit a full application by January 19, 2024 are listed below:
PREC2023-0739 1418-34-210-019, 1418-34-210-020, & 1418-34-210-031
PREC2023-0694 117-020-006, 117-060-016, & 117-060-018
PREC2023-0645 084-140-022 & 084-140-023
PREC2023-0713 122-100-14 & 122-100-15
PREC2023-0689 097-084-018 & 097-084-020
PREC2023-0647 093-083-040 & 093-083-041
PREC2023-0549 1418-34-201-002 & 1418-34-201-003
PREC2023-0548 1418-15-201-006 & 1418-15-601-003
PREC2023-0676 097-122-018 & 097-122-026
During this pier allocation period, TRPA allocated three single-parcel piers. TRPA performed a random drawing of the 54 eligible proposals based on the code, which resulted in awarding three single-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. The projects which may continue to submit a full application by January 20, 2024 are listed below:
PREC2023-0695 094-160-012
PREC2023-0592 1418-27-210-005
PREC2023-0567 092-100-030
2021 Pier Lottery Results
2021 Pier Lottery Results
During this pier allocation period (2021-2022), TRPA may allocate eight multiple-parcel piers. TRPA reviewed the submitted proposals based on the prioritization criteria in the code, which resulted in awarding 5 multiple-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. There were 27 projects tied for the 6th, 7th, and 8th, multiple-parcel pier allocation, which was decided by a random drawing on July 20, 2021. The projects which may continue to submit a full application by Jan. 20, 2022 are listed below:
TRPA File Number Subject APN(s)
PREC2021-0773 090-231-014, -015, 038, & -039
PREC2021-0857 093-072-039 & -040, 093-094-001
PREC2021-0684 094-140-032, -033, & -034
PREC2021-0805 097-122-010, 025, & -027
PREC2021-0867 016-091-020 (legal lots of record 23, 24, & 25)
PREC2021-0648 123-211-01 & -02
PREC2021-0682 1418-27-210-009 & -010
PREC2021-0808 090-324-002 & -003
During this pier allocation period, TRPA allocated four single-parcel piers. TRPA performed a random drawing of the 93 eligible proposals based on the code, which resulted in awarding four single-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. The projects which may continue to submit a full application by Jan. 20, 2022 are listed below.
TRPA File Number Subject APN(s)
PREC2021-0652 085-050-033
PREC2021-0662 115-050-034
PREC2021-0840 1418-10-801-006
PREC2021-0848 093-072-041
2019 Pier Lottery Results
2019 Pier Lottery Results
During this pier allocation period (2019-2020), TRPA allocated seven multiple-parcel piers. TRPA reviewed the submitted proposals based on the prioritization criteria in the code, which resulted in awarding six multiple-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. There were 23 projects tied for the seventh multiple-parcel pier allocation, which was decided by a random drawing on July 17, 2019. The projects which could submit a full application by Jan. 17, 2019 are listed below:
TRPA File Number Subject APN(s)
PREC2019-0545 122-181-65
PREC2019-0563 123-041-18
PREC2019-0567 1318-03-110-019
PREC2019-0588 085-280-043
PREC2019-0485 123-032-21
PREC2019-0489 090-231-047, 090-231-050
PREC2019-0520 117-010-014, 117-010-015
During this pier allocation period, TRPA allocated five single-parcel piers. TRPA performed a random drawing of the 117 eligible proposals based on the code, which resulted in awarding five single-parcel pier applications the opportunity to submit a complete New Pier Application to TRPA. The projects which could continue to submit a full application by Jan. 17, 2019 are listed below.
TRPA File Number Subject APN(s)
PREC2019-0477 116-220-049
PREC2019-0482 098-210-002
PREC2019-0534 016-101-92
PREC2019-0578 016-131-07
PREC2019-0579 094-160-013